Ok, let's write the title again. We honestly do not agree with that, but ....
Former NBA player Stephen Jackson admitted recently in a podcast that he smoked weed sometimes before playing. According to him, he played great games after that and his coach back then, Don Nelson, knew about this.
He also said: "It's been some games where I smoked before the game and was on the bench after three minutes sitting on the sideline, 'Please calm down. This high has to calm down' -- I done shot three shots that went over the backboard, like, I'm going to be honest, like, 'Ahh, I gotta calm down.'"
"We're in Utah, and the [league's] drug test people are around, you know, to get our last drug test so we can smoke, right? Don Nelson, we talked about weed all the time. He was cool with talking about weed. We got our last test in Utah, right? So me and [teammate] Baron [Davis] are coming out the locker room just screaming, excited with our last pink slip saying we could smoke for the rest of the season, and Don Nelson hauls ass down there giving us high-fives, like, 'Yeah, we can smoke now!'" Jackson recalled. "It was cool, the fact that he knows what's going on off the court with his players, which was great, man. We enjoyed it. That's why we were a great team."
Maybe he thinks he played great on those games. The truth could be much much different from his memories. Or maybe he does some great interviews after smoking some weed too, we don't know.