I know that running this BFA is a not a full-time job and that the system Admin. have other things to tend to but would it be possible to get more up to date injury reports?
It kinda throws things off when you see that one of your players or a player that you thinking about trading for is hurt or the infamous "Game Time Decision" only to realize the injury report is 2 or 3 weeks ago
As always, regardless of whether this is a fixable problem or more complicated than I know we still appreciate all you do
I know that running this BFA is a not a full-time job and that the system Admin. have other things to tend to but (wasntme) would it be possible to get more up to date injury reports?
It kinda throws things off when you see that one of your players or a player that you thinking about trading for is hurt or the infamous "Game Time Decision" |( only to realize the injury report is 2 or 3 weeks ago
As always, regardless of whether this is a fixable problem or more complicated than I know we still appreciate all you do 8)